Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Home Based Business Ideas - What is the Best Business Opportunity?

By Brian Murray

In today's troubled economy, more people than ever are looking for home based business ideas. The problem is - how does one sift through all of the scams and other junk that is out there, and find the answer to the million dollar question: What is the best business opportunity?

Well, that's a complicated question that comes with a complicated answer. The first thing that someone should ask themselves when wanting to start a home based business is, "What do I like to do?" If there is a way to make money doing something that you like, or something that you do on a regular basis anyway - then why not make money while you are doing it? For example, if someone loves to write - they could look for opportunities to work as a ghostwriter. If you have an arts and crafts type of hobby - such as creating bracelets, holiday decorations, or other knick-knacks - then you could look to sell your creations on eBay. I think you get the idea.

Two more important questions a person needs to answer are: "How much money do I want to make?" and "How much time am I prepared to spend on my business?" If you are trying to create a substantial income that will be your primary source of funds, then selling bracelets on eBay might not be the answer. They would need to be some REALLY cool bracelets. Even if the demand was there, the amount of time you would have to spend to make enough bracelets to meet that demand might be too high.

So, what other options are out there? Some of today's most successful small business entrepreneurs have turned to the world of network marketing. Yes, network marketing! Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosake are both on record as stating that network marketing is the perfect business. Well, if that's the case - then why do so many people have a negative perception of network marketing? Well, that's simple. Everyone has an Aunt Sally or Uncle Bill that was burned by some get rich quick "pyramid scheme" and lost thousands of dollars. Unfortunately, experiences some have had with companies like those - have left an undeserved stigma attached to all of the legitimate network marketing companies that exist today.

Network marketing is capitalism in its purest form and it offers a benefit that no other home based business opportunity can. This incredible benefit is so powerful; it will actually allow you to dream again. What is this benefit? It is the amazing ability to do something once and get paid for it over and over again. Yes, I'm talking about RESIDUAL INCOME. Network marketing is one of the very few places that the average person can have access to this type of income.

Okay, so now we are back to one of our earlier questions. How do we know which company to join? How do we know: What Is the Best Business Opportunity? Here again, you need to look at what you enjoy doing or which Home Based Business Ideas coincide with your personality or lifestyle. For example, if you don't own a cell phone and are technologically impaired, you may not want to join a company that markets phone service and cell phones.

What about the magic juices and berry drinks out there that cure every ailment known to mankind? Well, there are some great people working with those companies making great money. You just need to be able to convince yourself and everyone you know that this magic elixir actually works. It may or may not be for you.

There are networking travel companies and even networking insurance and legal services companies, but these involve expensive certifications that you will cost you considerable money before you make a dime.

There are a ton of nutrition companies out there and many of them are good companies with good products. The only thing is, as I mentioned - there are a ton of them out there! What is going to separate one from the other? My guess is - probably not much.

So, where does that leave us? Well, I have a secret to share with you about a company that is turning the network marketing world on its head. I'm talking about revolutionary concepts that NO other company has ever implemented before. Here is a sample of what I'm talking about:

• This company assigns actual paying customers (not leads) to qualified reps, from which commissions are earned.
• This company will acquire new reps (not leads) via infomercial advertising and place them in the downline organizations of qualified reps.

If these "unheard of" benefits sound appealing to you, I have an offer you literally can't refuse. For the first 100 people that respond, I will grant access to a FREE e-course that will give you my blueprint to success with this cutting-edge company. You'd be crazy not to take advantage of the hundreds of hours that I have spent in becoming one of the top earners with this company. Visit the live link down below, and sign up for the Weekly Newsletter/e-Course and find out more about the company that turned out to be the answer to the million dollar question: What Is the Best Business Opportunity?

There is no reason why you should be embarrassed about wanting to make more money. Click here to get the information you need that will solve your money problems. If you're ready to read more about how Team Beachbody can increase your cash flow and get you into great shape, then visit our Team Beachbody Business Opportunity page and sign up for our FREE weekly newsletter. Join the many that we have already helped and visit us now.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Becoming a Top Earner

By Brian Murray

Becoming a top earner is what everyone dreams about when joining a network marketing company. Well, if that’s true, then how come so few make it there? I believe that if someone is a natural leader, they have a good chance of figuring out how to become one of those top earners. Well, what about everyone else? Not everybody is a natural leader. The answer is really simple.

You need to become one!

How, you might ask. You have probably heard of Vince Lombardi, the famous coach of the Green Bay Packers back in the 1960’s. Here’s what he had to say:

"Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile."
Vince Lombardi

Pretty inspiring stuff, if you ask me. The fact is – you can become a leader, and I am going to explain some of the things that you may need to change about yourself to get there.

Be Positive. Sounds simple. How will you react when one of your prospects says no to your opportunity? What will your thoughts be when someone says, “Oh no, you didn’t get involved with one of those pyramids, did you?” Throughout your struggle to achieve your goals, you will undoubtedly come across situations like this countless times. How you respond to these situations will be key to your success. You must remain positive and believe in yourself and your opportunity. Learn from your mistakes, and move on.

Have a Plan. You cannot achieve goals, if you do not set them. You should create both short-term and long-term goals for your business. For example, if your short-term goal is to make $2,000 per month with this business, then sit down and see how much team volume your downline needs to generate in order to achieve that. Setting a date when you will achieve a certain rank is another good way to set short-term goals.

Be Persistent and Consistent. Simply creating a plan won’t do you any good if you don’t follow it. This is just like with an exercise program. If you have a great program like P90X and it’s sitting on your shelf, not being used – you will obviously not see any results. You will need to be disciplined and stick to your plan.

Educate Yourself. There are some great resources out there that can teach you some innovative ways to grow your business. They can range from free to costing hundreds of dollars. Sometimes, you get what you pay for – and sometimes you don’t. There is a program that I use that is reasonably priced. You can find it here: http://networkexploder.com

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Five Qualities To Look For In a Prospect

By Brian Murray

One of the most important things one needs to do when attempting to develop a successful network marketing business is to recruit "quality people" into their business. The first thing you might ask is, "What exactly do you mean by - quality people?" Well, that's not an easy question to answer, but here are some qualities that you should look for:

To read the full article: click here

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Facebook Marketing

7 Ways You Can Grow Your Network Marketing Business With Facebook

By Anna Laura Brown

If you have spent any time online with social networking or reading the newest buzz, you have no doubt heard about facebook. You might even already have a Facebook account. However, it may not be obvious to you, how you can go about growing your network marketing business using this popular social network. I was confused too at first, however, after some practice and much research, I have figured out how to use Facebook and I am seeing awesome results and would love to help you learn to grow your network marketing business with Facebook too.
1. Set up a full and complete profile. This includes using a recent picture of you, adding in at least one of your websites as well as complete information about your hobbies, interests and business. Make minor changes such as changing your picture, adding videos and photos from time to time.
2. Spend at least five minutes keeping your Facebook account up to date. If you have the time it is a good idea to spend 20-30 minutes two or three times a week. However, Facebook can also become a time waster so you must be careful to avoid spending too much time there. Make sure to update your status with something positive that is going on, check out the statuses of your friends and comment on a few of their photos, videos or statuses, as well as to accept any new friend requests you receive.
3. Join 10-15 groups and actively participate. Post on their walls, add useful links if allowed and videos. Request to be friends with a few members of each group as well.
4. Start your own group. Include a relevant photo, some links, videos, wall posts and other interesting content. Keep your group up to date by adding something new at least once a week. Invite your friends to join your group. Consider hosting at least a monthly teleseminar or other event related to the theme of your group.
5. Avoid spam like the plague. Do not post your network marketing opportunity directly on groups, on walls or in emails to friends. Focus on building relationships and your success on Facebook will come. Whenever you obtain a new friend, take a few minutes to write an interesting and friendly welcome on their wall. Take the time as well, to see what they do and to visit their website. Keep in mind how you can network with the person or see if you can help them out in any way and let them know about it.
6. Add new useful content on a regular basis. This includes videos, blog posts on notes and other content others may find interesting and useful. You can also use the Facebook pages feature to create pages featuring your websites and products.
7. Take advantage of the Facebook chat feature and every once in a while chat with a few of your friends who are live on Facebook at the same time that you are. Be friendly and helpful and develop a relationship.
Follow these tips and you will grow your network marketing business with Facebook. Facebook is an awesome network for developing the kind of relationships that will eventually develop into strong team partners, if you work it correctly and you give it time.

Friday, October 10, 2008

MLM Success...What's the Secret?

By Brian Murray

As Featured On Ezine Articles

In today's troubled economy, there are more and more people looking for ways to supplement their income - or even replace it altogether. The simplest and most affordable way to do this is through network marketing. Now, I said it was simple - but for many folks, it is far from easy. Why is it that some people can achieve such incredible success, while others flounder in their efforts? The truth is, the answer comes in may parts. This article will explore what I consider to be a few of the biggest factors that will ultimately determine the success or failure of a network marketer.

To read the entire article, click here:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Great Article on Self-Promotion

I came across this article and found it very helpful. I think it focuses on an area where many of us could use some improvement.

Self Promotion - How to Successfully Promote Yourself
By Justin Fuller

How To Successfully Market Yourself

Do you successfully market yourself? Do you achieve the results that you want from your marketing? There are many things that you can be doing to increase your visibility in the marketplace. Life is just like the internet the more people you have recommending and referring your name, the more potential customers, clients, partners, referrers you will have. It almost seems like common sense that the more people that "link" to you the better. This is way people hand out business cards, it instantly opens an opportunity that somebody will contact you. I am going to write about 3 possible ways to improve you promoting yourself. This can mean something different for each persons situation, but the strategies are the same whether you are selling something, starting a company, or trying to find work.

click here to read the rest of the article